Matt & Letta: Sun sets on our honeymoon trip
Matt & Letta: Settling in for the final few hours of our trip
Matt & Letta: Colourful apartment block spotted on the long walk down the hill
Matt & Letta: Poshest high-rise in HK
Matt & Letta: High-rise residential units built on the side of the mountain
Matt & Letta: Enjoying the ride on the mid-town escalator
Matt & Letta: Escalator up the mountain
Matt & Letta: Last day of the honeymoon...
Matt & Letta: The speciality - HK bbq goose
Matt & Letta: Now for some dinner - HK michelin star
Matt & Letta: HK night skyline
Matt & Letta: Happier Matt
Matt & Letta: HK skyline at night
Matt & Letta: Matt challenging Bruce Lee to a dust-up
Matt & Letta: Ladies Market in Kowloon
Matt & Letta: Matt's favourite HK shop
Matt & Letta: Back to Sydney!!
Matt & Letta: Which way to go?
Matt & Letta: Stairs up to the Little Buddha
Matt & Letta: Incense at the Ngong Ping temple
Matt & Letta: Local wildlife blocking our route home
Matt & Letta: Dried shark - a bargain at only £4000 a kilo!
Matt & Letta: Dried fish - a local delicacy in Hong Kong
Matt & Letta: Traditional fishing village in Lantau
Matt & Letta: Friendly greeting from one of the locals
Matt & Letta: Temple in a Lantau village
Matt & Letta: What's this buddhism all about then..?
Matt & Letta: Matt looking for the buddha
Matt & Letta: City skyline just about visible through the haze
Matt & Letta: Letta enjoying the view through the floor