mathmandan: contemplating the meaning of life
mathmandan: Pelican
mathmandan: check out the eyelashes
mathmandan: condor?
mathmandan: Mr. Stoic
mathmandan: circular rainbow
mathmandan: E.T.?
mathmandan: I see you
mathmandan: Curled
mathmandan: Purple
mathmandan: pinky purple
mathmandan: Spiral
mathmandan: Spikey
mathmandan: bicolored
mathmandan: succulent flower
mathmandan: Seeds?
mathmandan: don't point that at me
mathmandan: Mating?
mathmandan: not sure what kind of bug
mathmandan: busy bee
mathmandan: wide angle daisy
mathmandan: Balboa Park botanical building
mathmandan: sleeping
mathmandan: orchid center
mathmandan: small flowers
mathmandan: all in a row
mathmandan: purple
mathmandan: yellow flower thingies
mathmandan: orchid