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albums of Yai&JR
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The house
Carnivorous plants
EAP training w/ Maya 2009
Vancouver old timer meeting
Mike's Birthday
Matana's graduation
MAt graduation from P~ Air's camera
Ladner Fall 2008
Mid Fall stroll
Halloween party
Kyudo Seminar 08
Alexis Lake
Seattle Sky
EAT | NOTL-Toronto-Montreal-Quebec city
BIodome Montreal
Kettle of Fish
Residents day presentation
Brock House
EAT | Vancouver
car-free day '08
baan khun yaai
Oral Health Care for Frail Elders
Southland cycling
Red Star
Kyudo 170508
Paul's bday
Wat Lao
Korean Temple
Kerrisdale Carnival 2008
Dec. '07 & Jan-April '08 VDOs
Songran 2008
Prof. Yunus @ UBC
jes kyudo
winter birding
umphang 2008
kaoyai new year 2008
Kaoyai 15-16 dec. 07
First snow '07
another dinner at the PT's
kyudo and vancouver in fall
Vancouver Fall 2007
Apple Festival '07
Southlands Country Fair 2007
Powell street festival '07
Carnoustie Golfing
Van Open: Phillip King
Van Open: The Twins
Van Open: Day 1
private lunch at thaipudpong
Dinner August 1, 2007
BC outdoor
Quadra Island: แบบมีคนในรูป
Selected Quadra Island Pix
Quadra Island Trip
Bhante G Dhamma Talk
JR Daddy's visit
Beach & House Parties
Thailand Festival '07
U-Pick, Farm tour, & Wat Lao
Strawberry Festival & Bird Watching
dinner June 16th, 2007
kyudo practice June 2006
Galiano Island (P'Liew's Camera)
Galiano Island Day 2
Galiano Island Day 1
phone pix May-June 2007
Adonia Tea House
Kerrisdale Carnival Days
Birthday party for Aor and Jiab
Kyudo@VJLS event
kyudo practice
secret garden tea
Acadia beach
Dinner by P'Pao
Earth Day 2007
lazy day stroll
Easter Sunday 2007
Pookie and Aub's visit
Audubon Cruise and Zoo
New Orleans Day 2
New Orleans Day 4
New Orleans Day 3
New Orleans Day 1
Auduborn Aquarium
Whistler 07 feb
Srichang fishing
Rayong New Year 2007
Kyoto Day 2
Kyoto Day 1 afternoon
Kyoto Day 1 Morning
sashimi dinner
Kyudo at Budo Centre
Kinosaki Onsen
Pookie and Aub Wedding
Tsukiji Market
Beau and Alex Wedding
Christmas dinner at Kelvin's
Kaoyai Jan 2007
Osaka Aquarium
Christmas Vancouver
Panom Penh
Kyudo Canada
Whistler 12/2006
Brackendale Eagles
Kerrisdale in Winter
Bird Feeder
grass hopper
Kerrisdale in Autumn
Daddy longlegs
Central Okanagan
fly tying
Tyler and Keegan - Reception
Tyler and Keegan - Church Ceremony
Tyler and Keegan - Rehearsal Dinner
Audrey - Oscar - Elton
Shanghai River
Horseshoe Bay Village
Whistler Summer 2006
Hiking: Joffre Lakes Provincial Park
Pemberton, BC
Squamish Dog Festival
Misc. AK's visit (Aug. 2006)
Jericho Beach Park (West)
Museum of Antropology
Nah 10 Trip
best lunch away from home
Elfin Lakes
Illuminares 2006
QE Pitch and Putt
One hot summer day, 2006
worm bins
Manning Park 2006
rice lake in July 2006
Brisbane trip 2006
dine at home
Celebration for the 60th Anniversary of HM's Accession to the Throne
Widgeon Creek Trail
dinner at P'Noi's
Dinner May 6th, 2006
Senior Fair
Kerrisdale Carnival Days
Hiking 23 April 2006
Ladner Spring 2006
Skiing 2006
Early Spring 2006 in Vancouver
Our new apartment in Vancouver
New Year 2006
Siam Ocean World
Wedding: Milk and Oh+
Hau Hin, Thailand
spring and summer
Streets of Bangkok
Thai Market life
Wedding: NAT and TIM
White December 2005
White November 2005
deep cove
Halloween 2005
The Fringe 2005
Visitors 17 Sept 05
Oregon Sept. 2005
George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary
Portland Sept. 2005
Eck's last night in Vancouver
A day trip to Alouette Lake
hiking 20Aug05
Selected Photos from Alaska trip
Towel folding
Alaska Day 8
Alaska day 7
Alaska Day 6
Alaska Day 5
Alaska Day 4
Alaska Day 3
Alaska Day 2
Alaska Day 1
Men's double semifinal
AYCE Sushi
Odlum Brown Vancouver Open
Tennis 01 Aug 2005
Richmond Night Market
Vancouver Pride 2005
Celebration of light - Kisses of fire
2005 Vancouver Dyke March
Celebration of light - Jazz in the sky
Lantern Festival 2005
Mac's forest
city garden
Tall ships, Sea Vancouver Festival ' 05
U-PICK berries
Greater Vancouver Zoo
Roundhouse free jazz
Steveston Salmon Festival on Canada day
Canada geese
Mary's Peak!
Irish bend
A walk in the Jericho Park
NCAA baseball
tofino trip
Pacific Northwest Roadtrip
Wedding (Photo Session at the Mound)
Wedding (reception)
Wedding (Rod Naam Sanka Ceremony)
Wedding (church ceremony)
burrard bridge
Vancouver at night
foggy days
Spring in Vancouver, BC (2005)