Catsbow: Itch
lockechrisj: MAX Puddle
Seattle Municipal Archives: Dick's Drive-In on Broadway, 1955
Katmandue: Garmin
brookeshaden: a chance encounter
helen sotiriadis: golden girl
Jibby!: The Photographer Shoots Himself
helen sotiriadis: zoom to blue
EspressoTime: FDT espresso style 252/365
KJ Wipond: Season's Greetings and best wishes for the New Year!
Christopher J. Morley: Forest Barcode
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): swift valley and baker lake under a blanket of cloud
Katrin Ray: Total Lunar Eclipse. December 2010
gottanew1: THE
Che-burashka: "I'll have what she is having";-)
LShadrack: Road Trip!
Kees Smans: Once upon a time ...
A for Adultery: i don't need wings to fly
brookeshaden: running from wind
Joel Tjintjelaar: Electrifying
.Bala: The vortex in the sky
Che-burashka: On a clear day:-)
Helga*: Aurora Borealis