adrians_art: Evening over the river Thames
risquillo: Cañaca Ñacas
Harald`s photo-page.: The harbour of Bergen.
ilsebatten: Sunset over the Kowie River
risquillo: Seco, mojado..
Helo Blue Sky*: Never An Easy Way
Devansh Jhaveri: Seen it All
jch96: Downhill Estate, Northern Ireland
alderamin: tramonto
Wilder PhotoArt: Parthenon
schnauzernubbins: Itty-bitty
ballycroy: Crystalized
Roger Lynn: November Sunset (a few minutes later)
Hannibal Poenaru: Rays of light
zpaperboyz: Lovely Lighting
Albert_Paquet: DSCF3413
_paul_rutherford: (F)light Reading
m. geven: Long-tailed Tit (Aegithalos caudatus)
Dimitri Depaepe: St John's Mill
nature55: Red-bellied Woodpecker (female)
tina negus: Rowan