-MASHIO-: dreamy land
-MASHIO-: the more you cry, the more you become strong.
-MASHIO-: the place all tears get together
-MASHIO-: Princes Rose
-MASHIO-: beautiful rain
-MASHIO-: 上を向いて
-MASHIO-: 雨の恵み
-MASHIO-: 強やかに
-MASHIO-: once upon a time...
-MASHIO-: きらきら
-MASHIO-: one sunny day
-MASHIO-: always be pure.
-MASHIO-: Good Bye...
-MASHIO-: Flower Wings
-MASHIO-: hope for the spring
-MASHIO-: beginning of the new world.
-MASHIO-: after you cried.
-MASHIO-: Never give up your hope
-MASHIO-: Pure White.
-MASHIO-: ふわふわ
-MASHIO-: 涙の宝石
-MASHIO-: Waiting patiently.
-MASHIO-: feel a little bit lonely...
-MASHIO-: am still in a dream.
-MASHIO-: green,green.
-MASHIO-: 健やかに、のびやかに
-MASHIO-: 境界線
-MASHIO-: きみと過ごした時間を夢みて
-MASHIO-: To my grandpa.