2mayboys: Teeny Tiny Mermaid
2mayboys: Teeny Tiny Panda
Betsy Bubblegum: Yeah! This little squirt found his way home today to live with @marymoondesigns Mary and I share a love for sea turtles and this pattern from @qadesigns was perfect. I used the large #filigreedoublezippouch pattern from @sewsweetness and gorgeous handcraf
DeeRoo G: "Heavenly" mini for dear Sil!!
noodleheadsews: cargo duffle
jacedidit: DSC_0612
sew_joyful: Cotton and Steel Mustang Mini Poolside Tote
Amanda Fech: Noodlehead Poolside Tote
brendamoorequiltgirl: Jane Market Bag made with some very special hoarded Japanese fabric from @purlsoho . The pic doesn't do the fabric justice. This just might be for the swapaholics retreat . 😉
UndiscoveredOptimist: This cargo duffle was my final reveal gift for my #swapaholicsretreatsecretsister Pattern by #noodlehead I look forward to making one of these for myself! #handmade #creativelifehappylife #duffle #dufflebag #swapaholicsretreat
spontaneousthreads: Heart blocks for Mary Lou
Carina » Polka & Bloom: Goosing around inspired
Kelli W: TSB kaleidoscope blocks
*teacupfaery*: Patchwork Prism Pillow
The Sometimes Crafter: 108.365 Patchwork Square in a Square
Reene@Nellie's Niceties: Mixed up and Muddled up cushion
sewandtellhandmade: New potholders in the works!
sewandtellhandmade: Almost a Quilt!
Three Owls: Small Pouch with a View
YokoKudo: Super Swap - christmas basket
Ruby Loves Red: Rainbow mini quilt top complete 😊 but I don't have a clue how to quilt it at all?!? I was thinking circles from the centre of the green Polaroid outwards but don't want the design to be overwhelmed.... Thinking caps on please 😳 #rainbowminis
StitchedInColor: two mini quilts
carrie ellen's: Pop! Improv rainbow curves mini quilt I made for the Instagram based Alison Glass Mini Quilt Swap. #alisonglassminiquiltswap #agteamcelestial
MsSpy: Schnitzel & Boo Mini Quilt Swap - Partner this shipped out to you on 7-1-14. I hope you like!
Marci Girl Designs: Patchwork Prism Detail
mccuisti: This is my entry to My Favorite Little Quilt Swap. We ended up with 19 quilts in the swap (not bad for the first round) and this was one of the top 4 quilts picked! :)
upstatelisa: color wheel so far..
upstatelisa: I like the way the sun hit the quilt sitting on my sewing table
rainbow robot: rainbow mug rug