chibalove: Jesse - wip... 31.5.13
audkawa: just updated my blog with all new pieces from my mini solo at Scope Basel. check it out! #audreykawasaki #thinkspace #scopebasel
Jack Teagle: Wood Wizard
aeschleah: Clawfoot Bath
LiLJAPAN: You Choose
AlexCril: 53719_3602275389568_1823356717_o Ice Lion
Tony Riff: Modern Day Warrior
Lapajara pinta: tapir malayo
Lapajara pinta: ·rinoceronte·
mikeybarattaPHOTOGRAPHIC©: hannah louise schuster
audkawa: Tattoo artist Ally Riley @allyriley (Melbourne, Australia) has super skills! really captures the look of my girls. ✨ #instagramartist
Lapajara pinta: halcón peregrino
paul kalcic: Show Me That I Am Not Alone 20x16in
paul kalcic: Deconstructed Vision 1_The Journey 48x36in
paul kalcic: Brave Bunny Series 1_My Home Lies Deep Within The Valley 18x14in
paul kalcic: She Is My Missing Shape 40x30
ken garduno art: #sketchparty #inkdrawing #kengarduno sleep.
ken garduno art: #sketchparty #inkdrawing #kengarduno
audkawa: by Jeremy Hush @jeremyhush close up of "Entangled" ballpoint pen and watercolor. new works at Thinkspace Gallery @thinkspace_art
audkawa: thanks for all the guesses! congrats @enjoi11 !! send me ur info to
audkawa: painting by artist/tattooist Mike Moses @thedrowntown . gift from when we visited NY/Brooklyn. Thankyou
Tony Riff: Grim Garden
audkawa: happy version! by photographer Jordana Sheara @jordanasheara
chibalove: Bambi ♥
Raquel Van Nice: Mynx d'Meanor @ Fishnet Follies
Mike Sutfin: PleasureDomeINK_Profile