Mary and the teapot: Bloody Mary and the teapot
Mary and the teapot: GENTLEMANs drink tea
Mary and the teapot: Sara Menato
Mary and the teapot: Sara Menato
Mary and the teapot: Prestazioni fisiche
Mary and the teapot: Sara Menato
Mary and the teapot: Sara Menato
Mary and the teapot: Sara Menato
Mary and the teapot: Sara Menato
Mary and the teapot: Sara Menato
Mary and the teapot: gulliveriana
Mary and the teapot: S p r i n g o f f
Mary and the teapot: The night calls Puk
Mary and the teapot: Live Performance Meeting
Mary and the teapot: Keep your mind clean
Mary and the teapot: Construction
Mary and the teapot: Funzioni di regia
Mary and the teapot: Incontri casuali per le strade di Genova - part I
Mary and the teapot: Incontri casuali per le strade di Genova - part II