Mary and The Baby Cheeses: an exhibition at the ZMF
Mary and The Baby Cheeses: project pitchfork
Mary and The Baby Cheeses: come here baby jaguar!
Mary and The Baby Cheeses: the mother, the father and their two little maniacal babies!
Mary and The Baby Cheeses: the orange box
Mary and The Baby Cheeses: the green box
Mary and The Baby Cheeses: liquor napping
Mary and The Baby Cheeses: liquor dreamin'
Mary and The Baby Cheeses: The potato-marzipan
Mary and The Baby Cheeses: the three vergeterians
Mary and The Baby Cheeses: More of these fashion wonders.
Mary and The Baby Cheeses: European high society ladies, mid 20th century.
Mary and The Baby Cheeses: The rich mistress
Mary and The Baby Cheeses: Another one of these conceptual works of Menashe Kadishman
Mary and The Baby Cheeses: I *heart* Albert