martytdx: New Friend
martytdx: American Tree Sparrow
martytdx: I'll call him "Myrtle"
martytdx: Ooohh ... Vole!
martytdx: Ha! That's a funny one...
martytdx: Lonesome Sparrow
martytdx: Berry Delicious
martytdx: Laugh It Up, Feather Ball
martytdx: Prismatic
martytdx: Someday I'll be a BIG Nuthatch
martytdx: Golden Impressive
martytdx: Red Moustaches Are Cool
martytdx: Mountain Chickadee
martytdx: Pretty in Pink Light
martytdx: Spring Blues
martytdx: Slurp.
martytdx: What a Lady
martytdx: Hidden in Plain Site
martytdx: Cattle Egret in Morning Sun
martytdx: Birding in Black and White
martytdx: Dreaming of the Big Pine Tree in the Sky
martytdx: Slurp
martytdx: Contrast, Color and Form
martytdx: Feeding Time
martytdx: Check out the new 'do
martytdx: Portrait of the Marsh Wren
martytdx: Common Baskettail
martytdx: Monk Bird
martytdx: Sing me a Song
martytdx: (Little) Lord of the Wings