Anita363: View from Gornergrat
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: Chouette rayée - Barred owl - Strix varia
Laura Erickson: Pileated Woodpecker
Apertome: P3132519
Sindri Skúlason: Harlequin Duck (Straumönd) 66
amaw: tri-colored heron
Michael Pancier Photography: Grizzly Bear in Snow
Sindri Skúlason: Horned Grebe (Flórgoði) 118
Anita363: 5629 Bee Moth, Aphomia sociella, male
smkeereweer: Canada Warbler
William Dalton: Did You Enjoy Your Flight From South America, said the Ruddy Turnstone to the Red Knot?
Sindri Skúlason: Horned Grebe (Flórgoði) 115
Christine Fusco: "Third time doesn't seem to be working like a charm dear"
Laura Erickson: Evening Grosbeak
Christy Hibsch: It's back....
winnu: 1-_MGL4570.JPG888888
geno k: Bachman's Sparrow
Sindri Skúlason: Horned Grebe (Flórgoði) 110
terrygray: Feb23,2021 DSC06509 Sharp-shinned Hawk
Christy Hibsch: Dinner time
Sindri Skúlason: It's mine!
David Quanrud: Cooper's Hawk
Did I Hear Thunder: Extra Crispy (Explored)
JohnJosJr: Lark Sparrow, Hopewell, NJ
Gregs eBirds: Evening Grosbeak
Gregs eBirds: American Bittern (Botaurus lentiginosus)
namq: C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) comet in Rewa, Poland
Sindri Skúlason: Horned Grebe (Flórgoði) 90
Christine Fusco: Fog with very soft light = soft pink Roseate Spoonbill