martytdx: Blue Jays Got Nuts...
martytdx: Waiting for Spring
martytdx: The Prize Winner
martytdx: Fortitude or Stubborness?
martytdx: Howdy!
martytdx: Do you mind?
martytdx: Treat
martytdx: Feelin' Blue
martytdx: Trying to be Purple
martytdx: Hanging Out
martytdx: Big Red
martytdx: Cardinal vs. Mealworm
martytdx: I'm just wild about Hairy
martytdx: Mealworms - They're What's for Dinner
martytdx: DE-lish!
martytdx: Sometimes they fight back.
martytdx: Hawkeye
martytdx: Possession is 9/10 of the Law, Buddy
martytdx: Darn, dropped my sandwich...
martytdx: Sorry to eat and run...
martytdx: Upside-Down Cake - My Favorite!
martytdx: Okay, NOW where did he go?
martytdx: Well, Excuse me
martytdx: They're baaaaacckkkk.
martytdx: All the other jays think I'm nuts
martytdx: Demure
martytdx: Thanks for the Grub, Bub (Crop)
martytdx: I'm supposed to do WHAT to this branch?
martytdx: Sir Sparrow
martytdx: Aren't I Mahvaelous, Dahling?