martytdx: Some Browns are More Beautiful than Others
martytdx: To See Beauty is to Snow Beauty
martytdx: Sitting Pretty
martytdx: Poise
martytdx: Sentinel of the Sunset
martytdx: Demure
martytdx: Mosaic
martytdx: Sitting in the Morning Sun
martytdx: All the other jays think I'm nuts
martytdx: Get Outta My House
martytdx: I went to the zoo ... and took pictures of wrens
martytdx: That's It, that's it - show me demure...
martytdx: Green*
martytdx: Eat Your Heart Out, Donald and Daffy.
martytdx: Yum ... Moss!
martytdx: King of the Hill
martytdx: New Best Friends
martytdx: Up in the Wild Blue Yonder
martytdx: I'm Ready for My Close-Up, Now
martytdx: It's Hard to Be Cool With a Feather On Your Nose
martytdx: Coming of Age
martytdx: Sleek
martytdx: Being Coy
martytdx: Snowy in April
martytdx: Don't Try Anything Funny - I've Got My Eye on You
martytdx: Guardian of the Bridge
martytdx: Catbird in the Mist
martytdx: The Snub
martytdx: Picture Perfect
martytdx: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Bird