Marty Portier: // MtN.βˆ…2. . . . . . . Used one of my photos (Check out my photography account πŸ‘‰ @martyportier_ ) App: @madewithmeld . . #d_expo #alpha_grafix #rsa_graphics #rsa_blends #sbe_graphics #cs_abstract #designerscollective #designattack #editjunkies
Marty Portier: This edit was created using two images sourced from @unsplash.πŸ‘Š ... πŸ“·Ishan @seefromthesky. πŸ“·Ryan Winterbotham @ryanwinterbotham. ... . App used MELD @madewithmeld. .
Marty Portier: βˆ… . . . . . @focalmark #lines #abstracto #abstractart #abstractexpressionism #modernart #expressionism #geometry #abstractartist #geometric #focalmarked #lines #abstracto #abstractart #abstractexpressionism #modernart #androidography #androidnesia #androi
Marty Portier: \____ A simply edit y'all . . . I used one of my photos from Nice, France. . App used: MELD @madewithmeld. . #madewithunsplash
Marty Portier: βˆ†. . Just a quick prototype exploring an impossible shape using some watery images sourced from @unsplash #madewithunsplash. . #mobileartistry #madewithmeld
Marty Portier: With the new collection feature on @Instagram I thought I'd try use it to show some process. So I'll start with an easy one. . Here is the edit process for one I did awhile back called... // S T R βˆ… L L . . So it was a simple edit layering 2 images both s
Marty Portier: \\ V3Gβˆ† _ . It has been a long time since my last post sorry. . Ok, so I was bored waiting for my train so I decided to smash this edit together. Inspired by a documentary I watched this morning about the universe and in particular how our sun (let alone
Marty Portier: You've been awesome 2016!πŸ‘Š . #2016bestnine . . All my original posts for these particular edits have the owner details for any photos used. . Thanks everyone for a great year and I look forward to what's next!
Marty Portier: Hey guys, I'm always adding new images to my #photography account. If you haven't checked them our please drop by and let me know your thoughts. πŸ‘Š
Marty Portier: Hey guys, please check out my photography account @martyportier_ if you haven't already. It would be awesome if you could follow along as I post shots from my adventures.
Marty Portier: Hey everyone... Just letting you all know that I have a new photography account πŸ‘‡. @martyportier_ (also tagged in image) πŸ˜€ . It would be great if you could follow along. πŸ‘Š When I upload images be sure to let me know if you have b
Marty Portier: β€²// S U G βˆ† R H ! G H //. . Trying something a little different for this one. . Overlay'd some typography that I thought was fitting for this edit by the talented @mister.poloπŸ‘Š - be sure to check out his feed. . App used: Meld / @madewithmeld :punch
Marty Portier: // S T R βˆ… L L . . App used: Meld / @madewithmeld / #madewithmeld . . Jus a simple edit blending 2 images both sourced from @unsplash πŸ‘Š. . #d_expo #alpha_grafix #rsa_graphics #rsa_blends #sbe_graphics #cs_abstract #designerscollective #designattack
Marty Portier: // T βˆ… N βˆ† L I T ¥ . . App used: Meld / @madewithmeld / #madewithmeld . . Image sourced from @unsplash. . #unsplash #madewithunsplash . #d_expo #alpha_grafix #rsa_graphics #rsa_blends #sbe_graphics #cs_abstract #designerscollective #designattack #editjunk
Marty Portier: Trying out @prisma app! But used @madewithmeld app to blend 4 different exported art style #prisma images + original image. I also blended a geometric shape plus some final texture and grit using Meld / #madewithmeld. . Prisma is a very cool app with amaz
Marty Portier: // "... Let the rivers clap their hands; let the hills sing for joy together..." Psalms 98:8 ESV. . Original image taken by me. . App used: @madewithmeld #madewithmeld x @vsco #vsco. . . Oh, and I used one of @janalbertine's #jan_overlays. . #d_expo #alp
Marty Portier: // "...What I tell you in the dark, say in the light, and what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops. ..."- Matthew 10:27 ESV. . Apps used: @madewithmeld #madewithmeld #snapseed #pixelbomb. . #d_expo #alpha_grafix #rsa_graphics #rsa_blends #sbe_gr
Marty Portier: This edit is inspired by the new @hillsongunited album #ofdirtandgrace. Absolutely amazing stuff - I love everything about this project. πŸ‘ŠπŸ™ . Original images from @unsplash edited in the app @madewithmeld #madewithmeld. . #d_expo #alpha_grafix
Marty Portier: "... When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; ..." // Isaiah 43:2 ESV. . Original photo by me when I was in #Lucerne, #Switzerland. . App: @madewithmeld #madewithmeld . #d_expo #alpha_graf
Marty Portier: Currently at the Hillsong Conference, Sydney - loving Jesus and having an absolute blast! #hillsongconf
Marty Portier: The complete set. A-Z,0-9 for my #36daysoftype @36daysoftype. πŸ‘Š . All edited on my LG G3 using meld/@madewithmeld #madewithmeld. #lgusamobile.πŸ‘Š . I had an absolute blast doing this! Just want to say a big thank you to everyone for all their su
Marty Portier: Photo
Marty Portier: #8 . . #36daysoftype @36daysoftype #36days_8. . Original photo by the amzing photographer @sashalevin - very inspirational work. Please be sure to check out his profile if you haven't already. . Edit done in Meld/@madewithmeld #madewithmeld. . #d_expo #al
Marty Portier: #7. . #36daysoftype @36daysoftype #36days_7. . Original image of stairs found on @interiordose. . Edit done in Meld/@madewithmeld #madewithmeld. . Used a couple @jordansalmon's #atomic_ffa spheres. . #d_expo #alpha_grafix #rsa_graphics #rsa_blends #sbe_gr
Marty Portier: #6 - #36daysoftype #36days_6 @36daysoftype. Orig πŸ“· by @jacob - a super talented photographer with such an inspirational feed... So be sure to check out his feed!!. . I modified his image by simply addong the higher arc in order to make the 6. Make
Marty Portier: #5 . . #36daysoftype #36days_5 @36daysoftype. . Original image sourced from @unsplash by @nasa. The 5-strokes were created using some brush vectors. . Edit done in Meld/@madewithmeld #madewithmeld. . #d_expo #alpha_grafix #rsa_graphics #rsa_blends #sbe_gr
Marty Portier: #4 . . @36daysoftype 's #36daysoftype #36days_4. . Orig πŸ“· by @digernes an absolutely amazing photographer that travels the world capturing breathtaking images - please be sure to check out his profile if you haven't already. . Edit done in Meld/@ma
Marty Portier: #3 for #36daysoftype #36days_3 @36daysoftype. . Edit made in Meld/@madewithmeld using a Proxima Nova 3 blended three times. . #d_expo #alpha_grafix #rsa_graphics #rsa_blends #sbe_graphics #cs_abstract #designerscollective #designattack #editjunkies #ejunk
Marty Portier: Numero #2 for #36daysoftype @36daysoftype #36days_2. . πŸ“· original image sourced from @unsplash #madewithunsplash . . Edit done in Meld/@madewithmeld #madewithmeld. . #d_expo #alpha_grafix #rsa_graphics #rsa_blends #sbe_graphics #cs_abstract #design
Marty Portier: #1. . #36days_1 #36daysoftype @36daysoftype . . πŸ“· two inages blended together were sourced from @unsplash @madewithunsplash #madewithunsplash. . Edit done in Meld/@madewithmeld #madewithmeld. . #d_expo #alpha_grafix #rsa_graphics #rsa_blends #cs_ab