martymcpadden: angel watch inn connecticut
martymcpadden: hammonasset beach lifeguard station
martymcpadden: hammonasset beach connecticut attraction
martymcpadden: flip flop abandoned at the beach
martymcpadden: Westbrook beach sunset image
martymcpadden: Mystic Harbour Connecticut attraction
martymcpadden: Downtown Mystic Connecticut Mystic Pizza
martymcpadden: S&P Oyter Co Al Fresco area
martymcpadden: fresh oysters at the S&P Oyster Co
martymcpadden: S&P Oyster Company Mystic
martymcpadden: sushi and sashimi hanami
martymcpadden: chicken teriyaki hanami japanese restaurant
martymcpadden: The Sherry Netherland
martymcpadden: Rockefeller Center
martymcpadden: Central Park
martymcpadden: Water Tower
martymcpadden: Lamp Post
martymcpadden: Rounded Corners
martymcpadden: Scrape The Sky
martymcpadden: Friends in New York City
martymcpadden: Blue Bottle Coffee
martymcpadden: Blue Bottle Coffee
martymcpadden: Table At Nespresso
martymcpadden: Spaceship Earth
martymcpadden: China Pavillion
martymcpadden: Morocco Pavillion
martymcpadden: Morocco Pavillion
martymcpadden: Morocco Pavillion
martymcpadden: Morocco Pavillion
martymcpadden: Italy Pavillion