Mika Marttila: Kolmisenkymmentä banaanilaatikkoa, kiitos muuttoavustanne ja hyvää matkaa #konalansorttiasema
Mika Marttila: Paska homma #poliisi #ratsupoliisi #suomenhevonen
Mika Marttila: At work #latergram
Mika Marttila: I accidentally new bicycle from Porvoo #specializedsequoia. Yes, we have a small car. Yes that is a child’s safety seat tugged nicely between fw and crankset. Thank you @hellhommus for designing this bike for me.
Mika Marttila: Rose & cotton & memorial egg & bird
Mika Marttila: Photo
Mika Marttila: Söpöä ruokaa! 💕
Mika Marttila: When you have a flu and haven’t gone outside for a day...
Mika Marttila: Toddler step
Mika Marttila: What’s wrong with carrying your lock strapped to fork leg like this? Why doesn’t everyone do this? Am I missing something? #abusplus #bicyclecommuting
Mika Marttila: Another creative hack to extend fender eylets. #surlyogrefork has a thousand eylets but #sksbluemels75u had too short stays. #pelagorack and little bit of sheet metal to the save.
Mika Marttila: No eyelet for fender? No problem, just drill a hole, do threads with a tap and there you go! Tubing is so thin that I’ll probably destroy the threads next time I’ll have to unscrew this but... problem for another day.
Mika Marttila: Pasila Test Kitchen for part-Vegan xmas
Mika Marttila: Photo
Mika Marttila: Photo
Mika Marttila: Photo
Mika Marttila: Upside down
Mika Marttila: Blade Runner Birthday Party #bladerunnerbirthday
Mika Marttila: Blade Runner Birthday Party #bladerunnerbirthday
Mika Marttila: Blade Runner Birthday Party #bladerunnerbirthday
Mika Marttila: Blade Runner Birthday Party #bladerunnerbirthday
Mika Marttila: Blade Runner Birthday Party #bladerunnerbirthday
Mika Marttila: How rad is our sons #emmaljungasupernitro now? #isikorjaa
Mika Marttila: Photo
Mika Marttila: Was wondering why front derailleur was sluggish... not only this but reused inline adjuster and cable covers were pretty bad as well. Well. I’ll reuse them once again cause I don’t have spares and bike has to function tomorrow.
Mika Marttila: Pinkish orangeish. Mitä tänään liputetaan?
Mika Marttila: Good old tilt shift
Mika Marttila: Frost
Mika Marttila: So pink