fontcl: Palacio Pereira
BambaataaRR: Vivitar 24mm f2.8 bokeh
Laura (Tigerlily999): Afternoon nap
nik80tam270: Tamron 10-24mm
Manuiglesias: Clapham Common
lari-la: Rumänien
quandonehovoglia: Lago di Bracciano
ustezki: Eleka
Steff Photographie: The Night of Lights
tunante80: Camino y silencio
Danny VB: Outdoor with the stars
FlavioSarescia: White Out
Crispin la valiente: Una Navidad en el bosque
EtienneR68: Vestrahorn Islande
geraintparry: Nuthatch
marcmyr: Waiting for the morning sun
daniel.markow: fuel pump with cobweb
manda.noel18: Jelly fish
manda.noel18: Māori village
manda.noel18: Hobbiton
manda.noel18: Closer To The Edge
claude.dorotte: 840A0170