Sabinche: soft landing
Nicole Barge: Clair-obscur
Alan MacKenzie: Marbled Whites (male and female) Friston Gallops
osakanapho: globe amaranth
Macrofocus: Autumn 2020
perfectday_s: Le bleu argenté
Ulli Hörtenhuber: minimossmagic
pieceoflace photography: The shy one...
Ulli Hörtenhuber: Stieglitz / European goldfinch
Nives~yu: Dragonfly
helena.e: vinga
snowshoe hare*: camellia
purpleface: 2019-04-19_05-27-14
nutmeg66: Juniper shieldbug - Cyphostethus tristriatus
Ed Rizer: PIPEVINE SWALLOWTAIL at Bok Tower Gardens, Lake Wales, Florida.
Anna.Andres: Happy Easter
P i n u s: leuchtende Pappeln
Mark H Lewis: 2019 First Montana Clematis
sunshadows: spring pond lily
snowshoe hare*: cherry blossoms
S l a w e k: Blue Velvet
dapalmerpeter (slow & low): PainfulColorfulBeautiful?
snowshoe hare*: small copper & catnip
Jón Óskar.: Strandir
Anteriorechiuso Santi Diego: Pascolo sull'alto colle dell'Assietta (2550 circa)