Martha Rotter:
Sweet New T Shirts!
Martha Rotter:
Ben Riga Introduces Windows Phone 7
Martha Rotter:
Talking Steve Bobble Head
Martha Rotter:
Dancing Steve Bobble Head
Martha Rotter:
Windows Phone 7 Developer Tools
Martha Rotter:
Steve Ballmer
Martha Rotter:
Showing Off Touch Inputs
Martha Rotter:
Yochay Talking about Notifications
Martha Rotter:
Ben Discussing Marketplace
Martha Rotter:
Youngest Windows Phone Developer Ever!
Martha Rotter:
Visit to HP & ITAG in Galway
Martha Rotter:
Twitter Questions Wall
Martha Rotter:
Crazy Waiters
Martha Rotter:
Harry Potter Dinner
Martha Rotter:
Conference Attendees
Martha Rotter:
Martha Rotter:
Martha Rotter:
Martha Rotter:
Seema Skipped the Buffet
Martha Rotter:
Þorrablót spread at Fjörukráin
Martha Rotter:
Þorrablót spread at Fjörukráin
Martha Rotter:
Þorrablót spread at Fjörukráin