martasav: 2013-07-10 14.10.01
martasav: crepes and gallettes
martasav: incrocio
martasav: waterfront
martasav: di terra ne ha avuta abbastanza, non di vele e di prua
martasav: Not getting the bigger picture
martasav: Way out
martasav: That painful feeling of looking at something terribly beautiful and terribly wrong
martasav: Forget it Jake
martasav: The only way of finding out whether they work is to attempt to fly around the world
martasav: On the floor of Tokyo or down in London town to go, go
martasav: Get me the fuck outta here. Pretty please.
martasav: The Girls at the Jen café are the best
martasav: Not for everyone cooking is a pleasant diversion
martasav: On the Year of the Dragon, Youth looked like this
martasav: Hollow yet resounding