martyandmaggie: Rascal B. sends his love to the beautiful Miss Gigi♥. He would also like to invite all his cat loving friends to watch this clip. He say`s the soundtrack is awesome! Enjoy.
martyandmaggie: Miss Sophie B.
martyandmaggie: Rascal B.
martyandmaggie: Miss Sophie only has eyes fur Lord Trim.
martyandmaggie: Rascal B.
martyandmaggie: Nature abhors a vacuum, but not as much as cats do.
martyandmaggie: Rascal and Sophie cuddling!
martyandmaggie: Rascal B. says, don`t sweat the little things....
martyandmaggie: Well what do we have here ?
martyandmaggie: Zinnia (profusion series grown from seed)
martyandmaggie: "Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind."
martyandmaggie: Wrangling Sophie
martyandmaggie: Lord, what fools these mortals be!
martyandmaggie: Rascal sez, If you`d like to smile please watch this clip.
martyandmaggie: Sophie B.
martyandmaggie: Nothing gets by Rascal
martyandmaggie: Glamour Puss
martyandmaggie: Mr. Pesky chills out.
martyandmaggie: Sophie`s on the nip.
martyandmaggie: Come on up Rascal B.
martyandmaggie: Merry Christmas
martyandmaggie: The kittens were nestled all snug in their beds,
martyandmaggie: Rascal (purry boy ) B.
martyandmaggie: Please spay or neuter your pets! This is a tragic example of an in-bread cat!
martyandmaggie: Lying in Wait
martyandmaggie: Yellow Dahlia (grown from seed)
martyandmaggie: Dahlia (grown from seed)
martyandmaggie: Dahlia (grown from seed)
martyandmaggie: Dahlia (grown from seed)