aChar: living in floating houses?
aChar: on one side of Thames
aChar: looking up
aChar: dogallop
aChar: parading polomen
aChar: fairy godmothers?
aChar: the South grandstand
aChar: a girl, two chaperones and a drunk (?) guy
aChar: me? for publicity?
aChar: chatting to the warnings man
aChar: me and mag in fog
aChar: half a metre away...
aChar: the infamous half-metre pizza
aChar: is it a dressmaker's?
aChar: once inside
aChar: the barrier opens
aChar: running to the other side...
aChar: wait for the water to go down
aChar: it's called...
aChar: in the middle of fountains
aChar: hey! I am cute...
aChar: side view
aChar: eat the ball
aChar: acrobatically talented
aChar: binatang-pilem
aChar: trash the mealbox
aChar: the fat, fluffy puppy
aChar: l33t gym sk1llz
aChar: (still) looking for directions
aChar: keep this photo away from KY