MarioUpendi: Perez Sport
MarioUpendi: Siediti e guarda
MarioUpendi: DSC_0158
MarioUpendi: DSC_0155
MarioUpendi: DSC_0255
Alberto Ghizzi Panizza: What do you think is there in that hole?
Michele Cerutti: Murge...
Michele Cerutti: Murge... 2
Michele Cerutti: Doppio binario? No! Doppia linea!
Michele Cerutti: Saluti da Minervino
Michele Cerutti: Merci Fiat
Rez*: Control
JC Richardson: Thousands of gannets nest atop Stac Lee just next to the uninhabited Scottish island of Boreray. It's a wild place some 40 miles west of the Outer Hebrides out in the North Atlantic. These remote islands are critical nesting refuges for shorebirds. #Scotl
Dave Brightwell: The Spirit Of Elgol
Mascamit: My friend... che spettacolo!!!
iloleo: Strata DSC_1984
perillimatteo: Ophrys cinnabarina
iloleo: Into the Autumn DSL5076
iloleo: Trickling through DSL5207
hisdream: Sunrise on the stallions
iloleo: A Question of Balance DSL0796
Dauno Settantatre: church of Crepacore - Torre Santa Susanna, Apulia (Italy)
Dauno Settantatre: church of Crepacore - Torre Santa Susanna, Apulia (Italy)
Dauno Settantatre: church of Crepacore - Torre Santa Susanna, Apulia (Italy)
Dauno Settantatre: ipogeo olive press - Torre Santa Susanna, Apulia (Italy)
Dauno Settantatre: ipogeo olive press - Torre Santa Susanna, Apulia (Italy)