Miguel Magro: Pitiguari adulto
Miguel Magro: Sabiá do banhado
Miguel Magro: Jacuaçu
Miguel Magro: Japacanim jovem
Pep Peñarroya: Gone with the wind.... =O)
Fabrizio8581: _DSC7873-3
Fabrizio8581: _DSC8979
Deco_shutterbug: IMG_1023
Deco_shutterbug: 07E96134-7C7D-4681-9FA6-3F2DAE00FE83
Deco_shutterbug: 8AEDFB41-D945-4BCC-8C62-44F9974ADB2E
Deco_shutterbug: IMG_0989
Salete G: Carrasqueira
Salete G: Flaming0s
Salete G: Gaivota
Rouge_Lucifer: "Bo mnie jest szkoda lata"
Rouge_Lucifer: Le lac des Truites
JDRV: Prova feminina do campeonato Mundial de natação de águas abertas Setúbal - 2016
ltimothy on/off: Build a fence and they will come!
Nuno Xavier Moreira: Coruja-das-torres, Barn Owl (Tyto alba)
nora4santamaria: Las Bardenas reales de Navarra
Pep Peñarroya: The bridge is certainly tiny.... =O) Catalan path side.
Fabricio Konig: Atalaia, MST Acampamento Milton Santos
Aron Falletto: Son of a....... Witch 1