marniejane: Perfect end to the long weekend
marniejane: Annual bloom
marniejane: Sunday morning coffee with Donald Byrd.
marniejane: I made a snow globe - complete with CN tower and snowman battle!
marniejane: Will the surgeon use a Philips or Robertson to remove this screw from my knee?
marniejane: Pretty flower bought on a rainy, grey day.
marniejane: Moncton, NB
marniejane: Backstage in St. John's with the NAC Orchestra
marniejane: At Rocket bakery in St. John's
marniejane: Cutest pink nose ever!
marniejane: Picnic at Luskville Falls
marniejane: Big city lights
marniejane: Mulberry tree
marniejane: Mulberries
marniejane: mmmulberries
marniejane: Cowgirl Glass
marniejane: Cowboy Glass
marniejane: Bike locker in SF Bart station
marniejane: Not so secret ingredient to all good cooking
marniejane: It's like the universe is trying to say something to me but I'm just not sure what...
marniejane: MixCD cover | controversy theme
marniejane: girl_w_camera
marniejane: wall_crop
marniejane: wall_vert
marniejane: fence_bridge
marniejane: fence
marniejane: needle
marniejane: Prairie Scene buttons