晴耕雨読: Hat.... past time
john a d willis: Lovely Langur
Dean Page Photography: Gray Langur monkey
bergeycm: Gibbon
igz: Langurs, Flower 2
Shelley M Bray: Langur monkey
nmcdonald83: Bet the Golfers Dont Miss Us!
necydalis: gaze...
Steve Wilson - over 10 million views Thanks !!: Baby Chimpanzee at Chester Zoo
Steve Wilson - over 10 million views Thanks !!: Moustaches are back in fashion
Steve Wilson - over 10 million views Thanks !!: The last thing you may ever see
Steve Wilson - over 10 million views Thanks !!: Snowy Owl in Autumn (EXPLORE)
LAWilkinson: This way....or that!
Eddie Deponeo: see no evil 2012
Oscar Tarneberg: Baby snow monkeys
floridapfe: Ring tailed lemur
floridapfe: squirrel monkey
floridapfe: Golden monkey
floridapfe: Squirrel monkey
@Doug88888: Monkey and baby
J.J. Taylor: The Perfect Pucker