Mark Wô'Jama: Sunrise, Curitiba city
Mark Wô'Jama: Sunrise, Curitiba city
Mark Wô'Jama: Sunrise, Curitiba city
Mark Wô'Jama: Rainbow in the dark... After a wonderful storm ir rose up this wonderful rainbow in front my windows, which did last for more than one hour, in very strong/vivid colors 💫✨
Mark Wô'Jama: Rainbow in the dark... After a wonderful storm it rose up this wonderful rainbow in front my windows, which did last for more than one hour, in very strong/vivid colors 💫✨
Mark Wô'Jama: Rainbow in the dark... After a wonderful storm ir rose up this wonderful rainbow in front my windows, which did last for more than one hour, in very strong/vivid colors 💫✨
Mark Wô'Jama: the fire is tan, bronze, and gold [light the fire!]¹
Mark Wô'Jama: the fire is tan, bronze, and gold [light the fire!]²
Mark Wô'Jama: the fire is tan, bronze, and gold [light the fire!]³
Mark Wô'Jama: Equilibrium.
Mark Wô'Jama: light the fire
Mark Wô'Jama: Lago ao lado da Lanchonete Deck do Tanguá - Park do Tanguá
Mark Wô'Jama: Pandora Cluster (NIRCam Image)
Mark Wô'Jama: Morning sunrise at Curitiba city
Mark Wô'Jama: Morning sunrise. Curitiba city
Mark Wô'Jama: Cara amassada e sorriso Colgate 😁😆
Mark Wô'Jama: the day after. Curitiba city.
Mark Wô'Jama: the day after. Curitiba city.
Mark Wô'Jama: the day after. Curitiba city.
Mark Wô'Jama: the day after
Mark Wô'Jama: the day after²
Mark Wô'Jama: the day after³
Mark Wô'Jama: the day after ~
Mark Wô'Jama: The night of the alignment between the Moon and Mars [no edit]
Mark Wô'Jama: The night of the alignment between the Moon and Mars [no edit]
Mark Wô'Jama: The night of the alignment between the Moon and Mars [no edit]
Mark Wô'Jama: The night of the alignment between the Moon and Mars [no edit]
Mark Wô'Jama: Mushrooms / Cogumelos