Pipa Terrer: Aeshna affinis (Vander Linden, 1820)
David Lev: On it's way to work
orientalizing: Beach 2
CatMacBride: 8.1.23
CatMacBride: 9.1.23
Popeyee: Green Shieldbug Macro
MelvinNicholsonPhotography: Gorgeous Sunrise over Mont Saint Michel, Normandy, France
.niraw: Pilz (explored)
Sandra Bartocha: last year‘s growth …
myriorama: springtail
myriorama: syrphid fly
georgia markantonaki: Carcharodus alceae
Enzio H.: Frosch beim Sonnenbad
queeny63: Ringed Plover
DavidAlan48: Linnet
Roland B43: A trio of Icarus Blues
scottnj: Hosta Leaves
Massimo Greco *: Martin pescatore (Alcedo atthis)
arvind agrawal: Blue Grosbeak - _MGL8545-1
Enzio H.: Fuji-XF60-Bokeh-Bild
DavidAlan48: Yellow Wagtail
Jeff Lack Wildlife&Nature: DSC0464 Willow Warbler..
George Ino: Cosmos bipinnatus. Cosmos.
novofotoo: 20180805_566c
Roland B43: Cabbage white - Groot koolwitje