L S G: Dancing With strobes
L S G: Dancing with strobes
L S G: Day 148 | White
L S G: Day 250 | 85mm
L S G: Day 254 | Backyard
L S G: Day 247 | JoeMcnally
L S G: Day 270 | Rexona Light Paint
Joel Alarilla: Labrador, Pangasinan
L S G: Day 303 | Darth and the Apple
L S G: Day 311 | Darth
L S G: Day 314 | Danbo and Storm
L S G: Day 316 | What you have
L S G: Day 317 | Stormy
Dustin Diaz: Day Three Hundred Forty Four
Ino_Florencio (Been Busy): Piktyur Piktyur
Ino_Florencio (Been Busy): The Sun, The Giraffe And The Elephant
Ino_Florencio (Been Busy): Let There Be Light
L S G: Day 323 | Like A Boss!
L S G: Day 326 | Martini P.1
L S G: Day 15: revolution
L S G: Day 335 | EL Bokeh Wall
L S G: Day 328 | Black on White
Jaz Marsh: Invisible Children 9/52
好爸爸陳啟宏: 龍鳳漁港2011.09.23
Alecks Mutuc: Lei Marzoña
reyes_june_carlo: The Milky Way at Mt. Batulao
Mel Lavadia: Angry Birds Toys
MhiiiLO: headshot