MarkMillerITPro: Waiting for an interview at @ZipRecruiter
MarkMillerITPro: Long line at 4:45
MarkMillerITPro: #todayatapple picking up iPhone X accessories
MarkMillerITPro: Living the beach and we Love Good Stuff!!!!
MarkMillerITPro: Helping to announce-ham radio and @scares community service @4INFO
MarkMillerITPro: Ross Peterson giving a talk on amateur radio for disaster preparedness at the San Mateo county fair
MarkMillerITPro: @paaraw6ara setting up for field day @arrl
MarkMillerITPro: Working with SCU and SVARES. Radio communications.
MarkMillerITPro: .@4info Working at the data center @SvCoLo #TougherThanItLooks
MarkMillerITPro: .@4info trying the naked chicken chalupa. @redheadjokes recommended it.
MarkMillerITPro: .@4info @Rackspace heading home
MarkMillerITPro: .@4INFO and @Rackspace for dinner
MarkMillerITPro: .@4INFO @Rackspace
MarkMillerITPro: .@rackspace @4info good conversations
MarkMillerITPro: Sunnyvale VEC - Amateur Radio exams. Every month. I'm an Amateur Extra
MarkMillerITPro: Club Meeting @paaraW6ARA
MarkMillerITPro: #RWCsilentNight2017 #SCARES
MarkMillerITPro: Biscuits and Gravy. #Yummy4myTummy
MarkMillerITPro: With our Grandson and Kids.
MarkMillerITPro: .@4INFO company holiday party is Great! or "Redick-orous" in Tigger's voice.
MarkMillerITPro: Party. Secret Santa. @4INFO @MarkMillerITpro
MarkMillerITPro: . The coolest pg&e vehicle is an air boat!!! #IwantOne
MarkMillerITPro: . How did they know i needed a reminder to work on my pxeboot problem #DevOps
MarkMillerITPro: .@scARES picnic. #NiceInTheShade
MarkMillerITPro: .@Michaels fun Halloween set-up moving with sound. #I'llTakeOneEach
MarkMillerITPro: .@4INFO #ossv16 . @rackspace, had a great dinner last night! #CloudIsDataCenter.
MarkMillerITPro: . Just getting gas approx $2.43 per gal CNG.
MarkMillerITPro: .@paaraW6ARA #ARRLFD picking up trash, nice view of the @facebook campus.
MarkMillerITPro: .@paaraW6ARA had a boot blowout at field day.