ne1l34: Working Cocker Spaniel
olgeir: Reykjanesskagi
nlwirth: A View From the Pacifica Pier
Geoff...: ...but wait, there's more... [FP]
ouldm01: Glen Etive.. Sunrise over the Bens...
Maria Stromvik: Just lines V
ramon.vmorales: Santa Cristina
amyswelpen: Amys Welpen
amyswelpen: Amys Welpen
olgeir: Phoenix
colin.livsey: Dawn in the Hope Valley_LR
jasonryant: When Life Hands You Lightbulbs
Digital Diary........: Ramshaw Rocks 1
Kris.B.: Rush Hour
Daneli: You Promised Never Again......
P. Medina: arácnido encadenado
nordiozanoni: Good luck my friends..
NotforSale: waiting for the bus
SleepNot!: Wasp
Philip Dunn PhotoActive: Riding the causeway to Holy Island
Philip Dunn PhotoActive: Running horses Petra
Philip Dunn PhotoActive: boat shed, Menorca
Helen Beresford: That's not my real reflection, she said. I've changed so much since then most people barely recognize me.
Helen Beresford: Think big thoughts but relish small pleasures!
Helen Beresford: Then followed that beautiful season... Summer...
Helen Beresford: How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then to rest afterward...