Mark350d: Locust
Mark350d: Abstract flower with pollen
Mark350d: Blue Glass Bead
Mark350d: Blue Shells
Mark350d: Shells
Mark350d: Two halves of the whole
Mark350d: Black and White Shell
Mark350d: Colours of the Beach
Mark350d: Shells in shells
Mark350d: Sea Shells in Black and White
Mark350d: basket weave
Mark350d: candles
Mark350d: Bug catching some rays
Mark350d: Wooden Gate
Mark350d: Old Wood on a Gate
Mark350d: Wooden Gate and 3 Bolts
Mark350d: Joining of Wood at Middle of Gate
Mark350d: Close up on an Old Gate
Mark350d: Old Wooden Gate and One Bolt
Mark350d: Part of Gate through Bracken
Mark350d: Gate Joining Wall
Mark350d: Rusty Star
Mark350d: Two Rusty Stars
Mark350d: almost gone
Mark350d: Dandilion Seeds
Mark350d: Soft Dandilions
Mark350d: Orange
Mark350d: sun and slice
Mark350d: Sun and Slice