Herr Benini: .yeah I've asked around but nobody knows the names of 'em
Herr Benini: .PRINTS available
Herr Benini: .my little teacher
Herr Benini: .trace your hand 'round an untouched land
Herr Benini: .broke into her house. Saw her sittin' there, drinking coke and whiskey in her bra and underwear
Herr Benini: .while I'm laying in bed next to beautiful you
Herr Benini: .and she looks like the moon so close and yet, so far
Herr Benini: .the rain won't scare us cause we're lovin' outside
Herr Benini: .happy 30 koningin
Herr Benini: .drift like cotton on a soft wind
Herr Benini: ."{they} don't come for the party, thank god"
Herr Benini: .you put berries in my heart bread
Herr Benini: .wind across the moon electric storms and soon a flying spark in luna park
Herr Benini: .if I could just fix the clock I’d take you out at breakfast time
Herr Benini: .I was supposedly leaking the most interesting colors
Herr Benini: .how long is forever?
Herr Benini: .you realize it's just the wind and you notice it matters who and what you let under your skin
Herr Benini: .india sleeping
Herr Benini: .india sleeping
Herr Benini: .INDIA
Herr Benini: .INDIA
Herr Benini: .es gab eine zeit, da war istanbul olive
Herr Benini: .heute war es mässig aber morgen werd ich könig
Herr Benini: .bang, bang, you hit the ground
Herr Benini: .and I saw the sun come up somewhere in illinois
Herr Benini: .imitationen von dir
Herr Benini: .now i don't have worry
Herr Benini: .shut up
Herr Benini: .nun glaubt uns kein mensch wie schoens hier war
Herr Benini: .love is the king of the beasts