bartelfisch: Gute Verbindung nach außen - Good connection to the outside
Aerial Photography: Frozen Patterns
Bhalalhaika: Flåmsbanen, Norway.
sovcsil: P1380149-0
dezzouk: Bolivia - Favourite Reflection of the Year
YIP2: mending the wall
geospace: Frozen Fjord
picPick: Kyoto I-9995
wjm-photography: 1A1A7888
juan luis olaeta: BIDE-GORRI 1
Howie K: IMG_8374
davidstones51: Corner #124
davidstones51: Corner #126
John Hallam Images: Sun Catching the Frosted Trees on the Other Side of the Lake
Mandir Prem: 2023-06-18-Ladoga lake, Butoh expedition -0434-Edit
Capitano Dick: Paris, near the Louvre
Andrey Sulitskiy: Solitary hut in the mountains, Picos de Europa, Spain
Josef...: baby blues
victor.chen@fIickr: Steel and concrete (Explored 2024/12/15 #4)