Aloha Mark: Bookshelf base
Aloha Mark: First book on the shelves...
Aloha Mark: Painting rack
Aloha Mark: Painting rack
Aloha Mark: Deluxe painting rack...
Aloha Mark: Garage with boards laid out for painting
Aloha Mark: Boards laid out for painting
Aloha Mark: Drilling holes
Aloha Mark: Template for drilling holes
Aloha Mark: Template for drilling holes long view
Aloha Mark: Drilled holes
Aloha Mark: Holes without the sleeves
Aloha Mark: Sleeves...
Aloha Mark: Sleeves for shelf supports
Aloha Mark: Sleeves ready to be inserted
Aloha Mark: Hole sleve and shelf support
Aloha Mark: Ready to assemble...
Aloha Mark: inserts
Aloha Mark: Shelf support inserts
Aloha Mark: Shelf support inserts
Aloha Mark: inserts ready
Aloha Mark: FB 4103 inserts
Aloha Mark: Long view of inserts
Aloha Mark: Installed inserts
Aloha Mark: Taped boards ready for drilling
Aloha Mark: Board marked and ready for drilling
Aloha Mark: Tape and holes
Aloha Mark: Beer, Tape and holes
Aloha Mark: Tape and holes drilled
Aloha Mark: Tape and holes