cord1964: Sydney Harbor Gazing
Allyson Via: Ringed Assassin Bug (Pselliopus cinctus) Nymph
Allyson Via: Marsh Fly (Limnia) with proboscis retracted.
Allyson Via: Marsh Fly (Limnia) feeding on bird droppings.
Allyson Via: Jumping spider.
Allyson Via: Marsh Fly (Limnia) with proboscis extended.
Allyson Via: Damselfly on Queen Anne's Lace
Allyson Via: Dichtyopharid Planthopper (Scolops sulcipes)
Allyson Via: Wasp on Fleabane Daisy
Allyson Via: Banded Net-Winged Beetle (Calopteron reticulatum)
Allyson Via: Blatchley Walkingstick (Manomera blatchleyi)- molting!
Allyson Via: Dragonfly on Ragweed
Allyson Via: Bumblebee and Chive blossoms
Allyson Via: Black Swallow-wort (Cynanchum louiseae) - invasive.
Allyson Via: Treehopper with red mites
Allyson Via: Black Nightshade (Solanum) Berries
Allyson Via: Ladybug Larva
Allyson Via: Ladybug eggs
Allyson Via: Ladybug ecdysis
Allyson Via: Whitefly pupae? on River Birch leaves
Allyson Via: Ladybug depositing eggs on River Birch leaf
Allyson Via: Ladybug depositing eggs on River Birch leaf
Allyson Via: Ragweed Leaf Beetle (Zygogramma suturalis) and Ragweed flowers
Allyson Via: Green Stinkbug nymph
Allyson Via: Two-lined Planthopper (Acanalonia)
Allyson Via: Sunflower
Allyson Via: Helmeted Squash Bug egg on Milkweed leaf
Allyson Via: Tick Trefoil seed pods (Desmodium)
Allyson Via: Northern Flatid Planthoppers (Flatormenis proxima?)