mariyamboo: ~ on a morning when the sun had wept ~
mariyamboo: Some tears speak louder than others...
mariyamboo: I am me! I am who I'd rather be!
mariyamboo: Oh, the kind of books I read and the sort of eggs I eat!
mariyamboo: ~ white souls and round bokehs ~
mariyamboo: stars on line
mariyamboo: To reveal the shimmer in your diamonds, all you need a little light.
mariyamboo: Dear life! Take a look at me, for I am still beautiful.
mariyamboo: A 'new year' is only the vision of a present moment in which we celebrate the end of our failures
mariyamboo: After all these years.. in your garden I still roam, with a chipped heart and a cherished past
mariyamboo: I was just a simple writer conversing with the personae in my Novels.. until I met the most enticing one that I "still haven’t found”.
mariyamboo: A humble gesture to say “Thank You” to all my wonderful flickr friends.
mariyamboo: Friends, say a little prayer for my loving sister, for today I am in need of it more than ever in my life..
mariyamboo: To keep yourself “alive” is the trick. Leave behind the past and memories. Only keep your soul alive and grow it into something new in this promising year.
mariyamboo: I often loose myself among life and work. Yet, some things remain unchanged. My Flickr friends, in my mind. My desire to visit them, in my heart. And nothing but “Purplish Bokeh”, in my soul.
mariyamboo: Enough of macros and flowers. Come my friends! Sit with me and share a drink! Tea? Coffee? or Bokeh??
mariyamboo: Romeo and Juliette, shall never die. They come alive in every lover who succeed to live their “Spring” in snow and rain.
mariyamboo: I enjoy seeing things from a different perspective.. But then again maybe it’s because of this magical thing called Donkey!
mariyamboo: There’s a dark side in our souls. Unfold it slowly and be fascinated by the magic and mysteries it reveals.
mariyamboo: Don’t only dream of what you’re capable of being. Simply “be it”, while others merely dream of it!
mariyamboo: Every little girl should learn to kiss a flower, before she grow up to love her man...
mariyamboo: .. I am alive by choice, for I decided not to wither away like a flower!
mariyamboo: Oh King! Your crown, they may never see..
mariyamboo: “.. and I lay my heart there, where the bees kisses.."
mariyamboo: MAN vs NATURE
mariyamboo: Story of the sweeper and God’s divine light..
mariyamboo: Oh lonely queen, unravel yourself!
mariyamboo: finally, im out of ego!
mariyamboo: I am alone..
mariyamboo: as a bunch..