Miguel Vallinas: retrato_6390_
Marie-Lise Photographie: Cardinal rouge
https://www.instagram.com/masjota/: Embalse de la Sotonera
Bea Schmidt: mushroom
Tarzán de los gnomos: DSC09476 edp
Tarzán de los gnomos: DSC09468 edp
f.d. walker: Brussels, Belgium
Jannik Peters: Waterfall Fusch
FotodioxPro: Auto-focusing a Lens from 1897?!
vulture labs: Azimuth
Makinerin Balak: Villamayor
Antonio Camelo: Lago de Guadacortes
Alexandre Bonno: Pont Eric Tabarly, Nantes
Victor José: Black eyes
Victor José: Blue eyes
Eli K Hayasaka: Vale do Anhangabaú - Arq Mariana Rolim 300317-271.jpg
@CarShowShooter: Public Alley 438 Brooks Brothers Boston MA
@CarShowShooter: 260 Berkeley Street Boston MA
vulture labs: Ratcliffe
Tristan Shu: Curious with Jim Nougarolles
h.m.lenstalk: L1006295
a galaxy far, far away...: Paht to the Thunderstorm
Fiddling Bob: Another View from the Top