maritere-by mt photography: Happy new year????!!!!!!
maritere-by mt photography: "El saber no ocupa lugar"
maritere-by mt photography: Cambio de look!!!!!
maritere-by mt photography: el mundo al revés....
maritere-by mt photography: MI PRIMER AÑITO EN FLICKR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CON 55.000 VISITAS
maritere-by mt photography: de vuelta al mundo real... (autorretrato)
maritere-by mt photography: Que me piro otra vez!!!!!!!!
maritere-by mt photography: ME PIRO PA'MALLORCA!!!!!!
maritere-by mt photography: Panic to flying!
maritere-by mt photography: OFF!!!!! Lost in Túnez for seven long days....
maritere-by mt photography: Of return..... sniff, sniff!!!!
maritere-by mt photography: Yo misma, mi ojo y mi D60...
maritere-by mt photography: Uno de mis sueños.....