maritere-by mt photography: The autumn, last days
maritere-by mt photography: Fría tarde de otoño, cae el sol, busco la soledad.
maritere-by mt photography: "Little princess" (I)
maritere-by mt photography: "La mirada es el lenguaje del corazón"
maritere-by mt photography: Porque la constancia es la clave del éxito.
maritere-by mt photography: The dragonfly, simply beautiful.
maritere-by mt photography: "En las adversidades sale a la luz la virtud"
maritere-by mt photography: La belleza perece en la vida, pero es inmortal en el arte.
maritere-by mt photography: "Ella baila sola"
maritere-by mt photography: Spring arrives, in the field!
maritere-by mt photography: Snowing, details.
maritere-by mt photography: Feel the freedom
maritere-by mt photography: La Mezquita, Córdoba.
maritere-by mt photography: Río Guadalquivir