Marwa Awji:
Marwa Awji:
Marwa Awji:
Only GOD Can HELP !
Marwa Awji:
Marwa Awji:
أولاً : النظافة من الإيمان !!! ثانياً : من حقّ هالطفلة تلعب بمكان أنظف !!! ثالثاً: وين الدولة ؟؟؟
Marwa Awji:
I LOve This Shot.. I love this Face..... Show Too much of Experience in her life
Marwa Awji:
She need Home ---- I Need Votes
Marwa Awji:
Fight ........ Never END
Marwa Awji:
When the future disturb our minds.....
Marwa Awji:
it's beautiful when it's strong!!!
Marwa Awji:
Pain is deeper than all thought; laughter is higher than all pain
Marwa Awji:
The death-bed of a day, how beautiful!
Marwa Awji:
Marwa Awji:
When you walk away....... everything change
Marwa Awji:
My favorite view
Marwa Awji:
Trajayta ma tent7ir bs asarret :P:P
Marwa Awji:
Frog face !!!
Marwa Awji:
The best moment ......moment of success
Marwa Awji:
Marwa Awji:
We love the sea because it has some potent power to make us think things we like to think.
Marwa Awji:
Instead of giving a politician the keys to the city....... it might be better to change the locks
Marwa Awji:
One generation plants the trees ..... another gets the shade.
Marwa Awji:
Marwa Awji:
mosque in saida
Marwa Awji:
khan il ifranj
Marwa Awji:
watingggggg aloneeeeeeeee!!!!!!!
Marwa Awji:
united color of mariozitta :D,,,,,,,,enjoy
Marwa Awji:
You can't have a light without a dark to stick it in