Mario Sergio Santos: When the boss is not around...
Mario Sergio Santos: Not my station
Mario Sergio Santos: Avenida Paulista
Mario Sergio Santos: A new route through the docks
Mario Sergio Santos: Nebulas and a Black Hole
Mario Sergio Santos: Choque Cultural Gallery
Mario Sergio Santos: Choque Cultural Gallery
Mario Sergio Santos: 944 Oscar Freire
Mario Sergio Santos: Rose, leaves and trees.
Mario Sergio Santos: Flowers and leaves
Mario Sergio Santos: Orange wall
Mario Sergio Santos: DJ Morais, The week International São Paulo
Mario Sergio Santos: Babylon (October 11, 2009), The Week International
Mario Sergio Santos: Purple orchid
Mario Sergio Santos: Blue sky and white clouds
Mario Sergio Santos: Purple orchid and a blue sky
Mario Sergio Santos: The Week International São Paulo
Mario Sergio Santos: Madonna, Human Nature Sticky & Sweet Tour São Paulo
Mario Sergio Santos: Sticky & Sweet Tour São Paulo
Mario Sergio Santos: Volleyball game on the beach in Santos
Mario Sergio Santos: Chocolate cake for dessert!
Mario Sergio Santos: Evening in Santos.
Mario Sergio Santos: Sunset in Santos.
Mario Sergio Santos: Sheraton - Rio de Janeiro
Mario Sergio Santos: Arpoador Sunset.
Mario Sergio Santos: Car on fire
Mario Sergio Santos: Candelária Church.