mariopiperni: Louie Gohmert - America's Dumbest Congressman
mariopiperni: Dick and Liz Cheney - Dicks Unlimited Cover
mariopiperni: Obama - "Trayvon could have been me..."
mariopiperni: Congress and the NRA
mariopiperni: Conservative Hate Radio
mariopiperni: Louie Gomert - Idiot-in-a-Box
mariopiperni: Republican's Hot Air
mariopiperni: Ted Cruz-nocchio
mariopiperni: The Male Republican Politician
mariopiperni: Republicans Bury Head In Sand
mariopiperni: Republicans - Threading Water
mariopiperni: Nutwings in Space
mariopiperni: Marriage Equality
mariopiperni: Paul Ryan - Paper-Thin
mariopiperni: Jesus, Republicans and Guns
mariopiperni: Wayne Lapierre's America
mariopiperni: Republican Circa 2013
mariopiperni: Republican - Guns Over People
mariopiperni: Obama Wins!
mariopiperni: Save Big Bird
mariopiperni: Romney - Heart of Stone
mariopiperni: Romney and Ryan - The Two Stooges
mariopiperni: Mitt's Meltdown
mariopiperni: Obama = mc2
mariopiperni: Obama as Einstein
mariopiperni: Obama - Hope and a Chair
mariopiperni: Paul Ryan - A Real Life Pinocchio
mariopiperni: GOP Convention - The Liar, The Fake and the Fool
mariopiperni: Mitt Romney and Professional Politics
mariopiperni: Mitt 'Antoinette' Romney