J. Morx: _MG_8387
Elizabeth Gadd: Be Here Now
Eva astur: Una rama
rossendgricasas: Palafrugell Centre Fraternal
rossendgricasas: WhatsApp
sensdessusdessous: Delicate scent
Edna Gh (Penúltimo Rock): The Sey Sisters_Festival Emergent_Madremanya
Edna Gh (Penúltimo Rock): The Sey Sisters_Festival Emergent_Madremanya
Jesús Puigmartí: Police Pursuit...
Pavel Valchev: When the nature and lens start to paint together II
axirgo: Escòcia
carmen gabaldon: CGM_4509
zventure,: PLUIE
larsdamsgaard2: There she is
Vitor Pina: Street
Lt. Sweeney: Sarai - 25
Juan The Fly Factory: Pájaro_Happy place Promo 18_0018bn
Amparo Hervella: Un día nublado.
drstar.: True red
rafpas82: high key
Dmitriy Ryabov: The Poet's Soul
Kristoffer Trolle: My girlfriend at carousel in Florence, Italy / Firenze, Italia
Jesús Puigmartí: Morning light.
Sònia CM: Yesterday's Sunrise.... (yes, it's a Sunrise......)