Rochelle Shing: Here a pilgrim and a stranger, my true life is hid in Thee...
Rochelle Shing: As pants the hart for cooling streams
Rochelle Shing: Afternoon break
Rochelle Shing: Lost Sweetness
Rochelle Shing: Little light
laurenlemon: Mike Lockwood
Libia Bridge: Beauty and the beast
Libia Bridge: Lago espejo
Karen Araneta: Photo#24
Tea-4 Two: Luna
Seefig: Cupcakes
PhoTomoaki Taira: AMOR DE MAMA
@DeeInna: 047 | 365 : put off
@DeeInna: 067 | 365 : pearl
k.w. Huang *: dear 妹妹
sheaimoiselle: so adorable.
mishka5050: Fractal
mishka5050: Unreal
David Olkarny Photography: Take a break in the rush
Abdul Manaf Yasin: Bunga Lalang Berbunga
Mehlum Sadriwala: Life is like riding a bicycle: you don't fall off unless you stop pedaling. Claude Pepper 52||52 Tuesdays: That's a wrap!
kaoni701: Fun in the Rain
VeryViVi: {1/7/11 ~ 7/365 2011} Such Wonderful Music...