Artful Imagery: Caitlyn_27A0993
Christos Doudoulakis: Sprite Group over the Greek islands
Christos Doudoulakis: Sprites with Halo Snow on the tree (in Explore 21.01.2024)
Mario Ottaviani Photography: Sun rising behind mountains
seppomie: Mustela erminea - Stoat
John Andersen (JPAndersen images): Colleen standing mouth of cave
Mario Ottaviani Photography: Jupiter and satellites with the Moon together
gunnisal: Girl With Her Head In a Book
James Webb Space Telescope: Webb Reveals Intricate Details in the Remains of a Dying Star (NIRCam image)
Mario Ottaviani Photography: Delicate wild ears
szeke: Antarctica landscape
BBperception: sunrise at the Dixam Plateau / Socotra
Elisabeth Landberger: Aston Martin
szeke: Antarctica landscape
Pham Duy Tuan: Spring Blooms
Mario Ottaviani Photography: Small wild rose flower
Martin Sercombe: Humanity 01
James Webb Space Telescope: NASA’s Webb Scores Another Ringed World With New Image of Uranus
Alec L Gibson: Last light on Isis Temple and Cheops Pyramid, Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA