maribethd: Rolf the patriot
maribethd: day16-whole
maribethd: day15-space
maribethd: day14-light
maribethd: day13-truthoftoday
maribethd: day12-mirror
maribethd: day11-savor
maribethd: day10-gremlins
maribethd: mama dove
maribethd: day9-movement
maribethd: day8-eyeslove
maribethd: day7-shadow
maribethd: day6-reflection
maribethd: day5-eyes
maribethd: day4-lilac
maribethd: day 3-playful
maribethd: day2-Adoption Anniversary
maribethd: day1-feet
maribethd: Geese walking on water
maribethd: Ranger and lamb
maribethd: Real Me Collage
maribethd: Puppy Love
maribethd: My Loss Tribe
maribethd: family of origin tribe - saying goodbye
maribethd: family tribe
maribethd: nature
maribethd: treepose
maribethd: bluesuedeshoes
maribethd: alterego
maribethd: innerlife