DSummersPhoto: Balance And Composure
Eric Molyneaux: San Francisco Sunrise
alexis mire: altarpiece 219/365
stevenpoxson: img042
staceysvendsen: oregon
Tom Sykes !: godfrey 5am
childishToy*: Maybe an illusion #4
-Little Voice-: 359/365: Mistaken
-Little Voice-: 358/365: Mattering
Nick Barkworth: Beach Path
CarmNSandiego: ghost train
♥Adriënne -For a better and peaceful world♥: guess what I like best ... (Explored)
Helen Ogbourn: Month of Autumn (41:2012)
raym☺nd: autumn roads
cory.king: Seraph's Fall
Victoria Lubach: Jenny Lewis
bt0070: Bambi
keiko.com: Tokyo cityscape at sunset