Renée S. Suen: Stilton Burger Innards
LottOnBaseball: David Price meets the media in his new Blue Jays robe. He bought one for each teammate too.
tanjatiziana: World's Largest Birdie
notanartist: TTC Knitalong 2013-8544
tbit: and_magenta_aphrodite
Irina Souiki: Ultra violet
notanartist: Christmas_at_Dads-56
chromewaves: 20111023 dog in a bag
Jackman Chiu: Well Done Toronto! Remembering Jack Layton at Nathan Phillips Square.
A McNair: Arthur and Zack
blamb: Arthur & Zack
Jarvis Chau: Cupcake vs. Cherry Blossom
chromewaves: 20100406-simon
ravenswift: Garlic By Thibert
The Bexxx: up to no good
chromewaves: 20081228-simon
ravenswift: Shifty Eyes And Big Hugs
notanartist: Puppy1
kurmidt: lap cat
kurmidt: gummies
notanartist: Zoe+Womb-1
ravenswift: Lucy The Labrador
ravenswift: Innocence
tanjatiziana: red rocket(s)
~*marmalade*~: HEMF 4
photojunkie: IMG_9473
~EvidencE~: Puppy Power
tanjatiziana: live wire